Unable to download new apps on Windows phone? Here's the fix
I recently switched back to using a windows smartphone, namely the Lumia 950. However having been away from the Windows platform for about a year, something had happened: I could no longer download new apps.
Apps I had previously used could be downloaded just fine, but when attempting to download a new app the phone would say “Try that again, something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help.”
After lots of reading and searching through the web, I discovered the cause: the Xbox One release. Now this might puzzle you, and it certainly puzzled me, but what had happened was Microsoft merged a lot of privacy settings together with the release of the Xbox One.
So to fix this issue I had to login to https://account.xbox.com/ and go to “Privacy & Online Safety”, under “Xbox One Online Safety” there is a “Buy and download” option. It defaulted to a very restrictive setting, so by changing it into “Anything” I could immediately download new apps on my phone.
Hope this helps you, if you’re the same situation as I was 🙂